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OpenPGP key to sign pomf.git archive

This blob contains the public key of the OpenPGP key I use to sign
pomf.git archive.

To use it to verify tags I signed, do:

  $ git cat-file blob wub-gpg-pub | gpg --import -

to import it into your keyring, and then

  $ git tag -v $tag_to_be_verified

The fingerprint information for the key is as follows:

  $ gpg2 --fingerprint 0x989971B2A6B7AF4B
  pub   rsa4096/0x989971B2A6B7AF4B 2014-12-15 [SC] [expires: 2018-03-20]
        Key fingerprint = E965 07B0 8189 70AA D9EF  1DE4 9899 71B2 A6B7 AF4B
  uid                   [ultimate] Juuso Lapinlampi <>
  uid                   [ultimate] WubTheCaptain <>
  uid                   [ultimate] WubTheCaptain <>
  sub   rsa4096/0xD5E452D45A64B334 2014-12-15 [E] [expires: 2018-03-20]
        Key fingerprint = 07D8 3869 23F4 58AA 5A67  92BA D5E4 52D4 5A64 B334